
Traveled by motorbike through the Himalayan mountain region, visiting Nepal and Thailand.


2018 - 2019

Together with his friend, journalist, filmmaker, and traveler Rimas Bružas, they completed the expedition "From Baltic to Bengal".

This expedition aimed to replicate the 1929 journey by motorcycle from Lithuania to India made by the legendary traveler Antanas Paškevičius-Poška. The journey lasted 108 days, crossed 16 countries, and covered 15500 km. The expedition was commemorated with the 11-episode LRT documentary:


Visited North Korea, the world's most isolated country.



Traveled all over Nagorno-Karabakh during the war.


Traveled around the Socotra (Island of Yemen) and visited Mali.


Traveled around Syria and Lebanon.

In Syria, he visited Damascus, Maaloula, Al-Nabek, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Homs, Palmyra, Kafr Nabudah, Khan Shaykhun, Saraqib, Aleppo, Almishtaya and Krak des Chevalier.

In Lebanon, he visited Beirut and Baalbek.


Traveled around Indonesia.

He visited those islands of Indonesia: Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, Gili Air, and Gili Trawangan.



2024 - 2025 will row across the Pacific Ocean by single-seater boat.


Since 2012 member of the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union (in LT – LŠS).
Since 2013 has been serving in the National Defense Volunteer Forces (in LT – KASP).


Aurimas Mockus has been actively involved in public activities for more than 15 years:

• 2007 - 2013 member of the Council of Ethics in Klaipėda City Municipality. • In 2012, he founded the Public Entity "Foundation of Western History" for a citizens' initiative. • Elder of Klaipėda's Šilojus district for three terms. • Member of the President's Club of the Association "My City Klaipėda" and President in 2021-2022.

Since the Russian-led war in Ukraine, Aurimas has been actively caring for the needs of frontline soldiers and civilians. He urged citizens to donate to the "Western History Foundation" and used the raised funds to support Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. He has transported vital equipment, machinery, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid to warzones in Ukraine. He also, evacuated people and animals from the warzones.

"Honour of Lithuania 2022" nominee in the category "Initiative of the Year" for assistance to Ukraine.